Hurray! It's that time of year y'all, every corporation out there will slap a rainbow of their existing products and market to the gays. We're all for it from an awareness perspective, however, if the brands are not supporting, advocating, hiring or promoting folks from the LGBTQ+ community all year long – we. are. out.
As a queer small business, we know and understand that it can be a bit more expensive to shop from a small business like us and yes, the shipping might take longer BUT the community is at the forefront of everything we do, 365 days a year, not just for one marketing campaign.
To help shift the tide this year, we have decided to compile a list of queer-owned businesses from around the world and we need your help to blow it up. Please write your favorite queer-owned businesses in the comments below and we'll continue to add them to what we would love to be, a growing list.
Here goes nothing:
The Phluid Project
Kirrin Finch
Gay Pin Guys
Get Real Movement
PlayOut Underwear
Cult Party NYC
Butch Basics
Recently I found that the personalized jewelry on a website is very beautiful, share it with everyone。
Alphabet necklace
Initial necklace
Ladies necklace
custom necklace for women
custom letter necklace
Spun Fibre Arts
Queer owned yarn shop in Oakville